Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Since we've gotten married...

Cory continues to work at H.E.B. Grocery.  He doesn't "love" it, but he thinks he'll stick with it til he gradutes... Only thing, he hasn't decided yet between being a Nurse or doing something with Agriculture.  I'll support him with whatever decision he makes.  So for now he is working on getting his basics behind him because he'll need them with whatever major he chooses.

I am not currently in a job.  I tried out a few more day care jobs... but that's not gonna work for me for now!  I'm trying out something new and I have had a few (4 to be specific) interviews with Reynolds and Reynolds so far and I should find out today or tomorrow if I got the job.  I'm really excited about it because I really think I'll like to start working in the clerical field.  I'll keep you up to date :)  I'm majoring in Education, but I want to do more of something like being a counselor/mediator in Middle School or High School or one day, open my own day care.

We got a puppy.  Today he is 4 months old exactly.  His name is Shiner.  He is a Rhodesian Ridgeback and super cute and super protective!  For some info: The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a dog breed developed in Southern Africa where it was used to hunt lions/to distract a lion while awaiting their master to make the kill. This is most likely why this dog is known for its bravery. Its European forebears can be traced to the early pioneers of the Cape Colony of southern Africa, who crossed their dogs with the semi-domesticated, ridged hunting dogs of the Khoikhoi.

Life is good :)

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